Friday, June 18, 2010

Reflection week 3 on blushy friday night

1 week to go.. !!! At least ,that's the first thing comes up to my mind.. For me, it's like a dilemma, when i really really want to finish the course as soon as possible, but deep in my heart i still waaant to be hereeeee...., enjoying the times with friends.. we're getting closer to each other and I have realised it won't stay any longer ... By the way, I hate july in Melbourne, because it's winter (i think i always have cloudy feeling..) and i don't want it will ruin my very first days in uni.. Then, about REW, this week we have been working so hard on critical response (in the same time we have to prepare our oral presentation..tick is just 1 week left...)now i'm feeling so nervous about them.. i prefer to do my critical essay first , i think that's the most important to improve my english.. it is sharpening my mind and also, i could practise my grammar ....... oh yeaa.. well, I won't practise reading and listening anymore in home (if i have enough time, i will..) There's so much to do about oral presentations (we have to work on power point, memorising idea, looking for exact references...), and WORKING WITH BLOG....

I'm exhausted, I need to hibernate....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reflection week 2 on Sunday afternoon

week 2...

taking a glance, i think these weeks are more serious.. no more playing, no more laughing.. always discuss..discuss and discuss..
I have been evaluating our class for weeks and i feel they (the teachers) are trying to make us familiar with campus-learning (tutorial and lecture)..

Also, we have learnt many things about critical response (we already submitted and had our essay corrected), reading for comprehenssions(it has made me confused a little....) ,listening and taking notes..

Comparing to e6 lessons, this module has been keeping me busy.. it takes my whole life collectiong journals, blog-postings, making vocabulary books, while practising my wtiting and listening ! ! whhhheeewwww ... it looks like i cannot breathe here.. especially because i'm preparing for university materials..picking out subjects, searching for relevant sources and so on...
but i believe if i can do them constantly, it will help me to coope with my university life,,
that must be much more complex than this time...

Actually, i don't worry so much about e7 course... what i'm thinking now that i only have 1 month before entering uni... i waaaannnnttt my English will have improved vastlty at those time, especially for my academic purposes.. i still can not really understandand so many terms and alien-word that are used in my major.. i need to prolong the time understanding it... but i know i just have now...

can't hardly wait to enter university life..curious about them.. (maybe it will become my last degree..) but also always be warned ..


Friday, June 11, 2010

Ethnic Ghettos

discussion board number 5

Ethnic Ghettos often raise sociocultural problems in certain areas (for some purposes, i will not mention the places) ,especially in excluding racism .Some people see them in a sarcastic ways, while the others argue that they are threatened by the ghettos, because of their low-standard of living , such as ,living in slums with lack of secure that affects them in typical rude- behaviours. But, their ways in expressing themselves, are likely to be admired and become inspirations for some people, like the fashion, street-art , music and the language !

"Why you always be talkin' ghetto? Get yo'self a propa' e-ju-ma-kay-shun, kid!"

They just what they are and may never be the same as local people ...

However being neglected, they are still having a place to grow beyond the communities

Everyone( who can ), should learn English

discussion board number 27

Having a chance to learn something is your luck , but to learn something is a free choice for everyone...

Studying English may be the most important need for some people who have particular purposes, such as studying overseas, business and in political situation. However, in outer world ,where there is no peace like Iraq; they might not need to learn English, even just for knowing it. English also, may never reach remote areas where indigenous people live with a very basic way, they even cannot read a letter. Thus, difable people who cannot speak and hear , never be able to learn English. These are just small example and I believe we better consider ourself as a part of the world, not just in our temporary purposes. We are still unable to predict whether we will use English in our future, or not.

So, should we?