Friday, June 18, 2010

Reflection week 3 on blushy friday night

1 week to go.. !!! At least ,that's the first thing comes up to my mind.. For me, it's like a dilemma, when i really really want to finish the course as soon as possible, but deep in my heart i still waaant to be hereeeee...., enjoying the times with friends.. we're getting closer to each other and I have realised it won't stay any longer ... By the way, I hate july in Melbourne, because it's winter (i think i always have cloudy feeling..) and i don't want it will ruin my very first days in uni.. Then, about REW, this week we have been working so hard on critical response (in the same time we have to prepare our oral presentation..tick is just 1 week left...)now i'm feeling so nervous about them.. i prefer to do my critical essay first , i think that's the most important to improve my english.. it is sharpening my mind and also, i could practise my grammar ....... oh yeaa.. well, I won't practise reading and listening anymore in home (if i have enough time, i will..) There's so much to do about oral presentations (we have to work on power point, memorising idea, looking for exact references...), and WORKING WITH BLOG....

I'm exhausted, I need to hibernate....


  1. I think so, I need hibernate too! Yes, this is the first week and we meet a lot of new things. Talk about Oral Presentation, I might need so much time to do more research and prepare it first either. I had the experience while we were in E6. Yes, I got new ideas from you a lot I think. Well done!! Your blog looks very nice!!

  2. Don't worry Vina, I think you will pass everything surely. I absolutely agree with you that last week was very exhausted for us. We had to prepare for CAT on Wednesday and studied a new type of critical response writing. Moreover, I want to study with you guys. Don’t want to start new class in Uni again!!!
